Anal Sex Toys
It's no secret that indulging in anal sex is one of the most gratifying of experiences. You're hooked, and it shows. You have toys in your closet that spices up playtime with your partner. If you're an avid collector of sex toys because you sincerely appreciate what they bring, you really need to take a look at the products on our Anal Toys Collection.
You can choose from different kinds of toys, where each one will surely live up to your lofty expectations.
All of the toys were carefully selected for their quality and excellent craftsmanship. That's because we put a premium on our customer's satisfaction above everything else. So, it's a reassuring thought that whatever your pick may be, it's the right toy to add to your growing personal sex toys collection.
We have anal beads, anal hooks, prostate massagers, and douches or enemas. Some of them you can use manually while some are battery-operated because of their vibrating feature.
You'll be blown away with their ingenious design and how they make anal sex much more awesome.
They come in all sorts of shapes, colors, and sizes, so you'll never have to worry about finding one that suits your taste to fill your needs. For the materials, they're either made of silicone, glass, or metal. Making them totally safe to use no matter how rough and wild your playtime sessions turn out to be.
Engaging in foreplay is a must because it sets the right tone to make the experience a truly memorable one. Trust us when we say this because a mind-blowing orgasm is the form of validation you're looking for to convince yourself that you've made the right choice when you purchased our product.
Once you experience powerful orgasms on a regular basis, you won't hesitate to order another one of our products because you know what to expect with our products. We also highly encourage you to tell your friends about it so they can also experience the kind of fun you've now grown accustomed to.
What's more, all of them are priced reasonably. When you decide to invest in your personal happiness, you can never go wrong with that decision. It's always money well-spent and definitely one of the best ways to reward yourself.
The state of your personal well-being will improve by leaps and bounds. In turn, you get more productive whether at work or at play. Your renewed sense of vigor helps you fulfill all your sexual desires.
Use your imagination and make your ideas come to life because your latest toy will be happy to do its part. You'll always be looking forward to the next occasion where you and your partner can indulge in some anal action because the two of you know pure bliss awaits.
Go ahead and take a look at the toys in our collection. Don't ever hesitate to click the buy now button because it's worth every penny of your hard earned money! We won't be surprised if you'll purchase another one after some time because your sex life has just been transformed from normal to spectacular!
Anal sex toys can be an amazing addition to your sexual toolbox. They come in a huge variety of shapes, styles and purposes, each with their own feelings and benefits. One thing is consistent across all of them though. You need to make sure you are using them safely to avoid causing yourself any permanent damage.
It doesn’t matter if you’re using a cat tail butt plug, vibrator, prostate stimulation toys, anal hooks, anal beads, or anything else you can think of. All of these toys will share a lot of the same safety tips. So, before you start putting anything at all in your butt, make sure you know what you’re doing.
Dangers of Anal Sex Toys
Now we don’t want to scare you. For the most part using sex toys anally as part of your sexual routine is a perfectly safe, healthy, and pleasurable thing to do. There are however, some key things to looks out for to make sure you stay safe. Some of these will be warning signs given off by your body, while others will simply be tips on how best to use your toys.
Perhaps the most common thing you might hear about anal sex from people is that it hurts. While this can be true, it usually only hurts because you do something wrong. Whether it’s being too rough, going to big too quickly, or some other kind of mistake, there’s a reason it’s hurting and usually it can be avoided by taking things slow, and gradually training your anus to accept larger objects.
The anus and its surrounding area are packed to the brim with sensitive nerve endings. Stimulation of these is what makes anal sex feel good. Improper stimulation though, can lead to abrasions, tears, and in the worse cases even a little anal bleeding.
One big thing is usually the main factor in this: Lubrication.
Don’t forget to lubricate!
The anus itself doesn’t produce any natural lubricant, unlike the vagina. Our bodies didn’t originally intend for us to be putting things up there, so it has no way of preparing itself for it. This is where lubricants come in incredibly useful.
Lubricants normally come in one of three varieties, silicone based, oil based, and water based. While in vaginal intercourse your main consideration on which lube to use will be based on what kind of toy you are using, in anal intercourse you’re going to want something a little more robust. Oil based lubes generally tend to be the winner here, as they are very long lasting when compared to water based lubes, and are safe with all kinds of sex toys you might use. They aren’t safe to use with condoms though, so if you need to wrap anything then it’s best to go with a different type. If you want to go the whole distance, you can pick up a specially formulated lube specifically for anal play.
Good Anal Hygiene
Another important consideration when engaging in any type of anal play is hygiene. Butts store poop. We all know this, so let’s get it out there right now. When you start sticking things in there, you might just run across this poop. We cover a bit more on how to avoid this in our articles on douching, enemas and cleaning your toys. In terms of safety though, it should be quite obvious that a place that poop lives is going to be full of all kinds of germs and bacteria.
Should the worst happen and you manage to tear your anal lining, or if a penis has a cut or scratch on it, then when things are inserted into this bacterial haven then it’s quite likely that you might get an infection of some kind. Similarly, the objects you are putting into the anus can also cause infection as the thin rectal walls absorb bacteria from the surface of the object, so fingers and sex toys alike need to be nice and clean before anal use.
STIs and STDs are much easier to transfer anally than vaginally too. The lack of lubrication in the anus means that it is much harder for the body to cleanse this area of the nasty stuff. Although if you’re engaging in any kind of sex without protection then you’re kind of asking for trouble from STIs and STDs anyway.
If you suffer from any abrasions or short-term damage to your anus or rectum, or if you know you or your partner are suffering from an STI or STD, then it’s always better to give the anal play a break until you’re fully recovered. Your butt isn’t going anywhere!
Anal Prolapse
Yet another negative part of anal sex that has been vastly blown out of proportion. Now I’m not going to say it’s impossible. If you’re inserting large objects into your butt, and being very rough with them, then it’s entirely possible that you could have an anal prolapse. If you’re being careful and gentle though, it’s very unlikely.
What is more likely though, is a long-term loosening of your sphincter muscles. There are two rings of muscles around the opening of your anus, called the sphincters. These muscles, alongside the pelvic floor muscles, control the opening and closing of your anus and control bowel movements. The looser they become, the easier it is for things to leak out involuntarily.
If you are regularly engaging in anal sex, your sphincters will gradually loosen, making it easier for a penis or sex toy to pass through. If you let this happen long term then eventually you’re going to have incontinence problems. Luckily though, sphincter looseness can be dealt with by regularly performing Kegel exercises to tighten the pelvic floor back up.
Toys getting stuck
The big one. Thoughts of things getting stuck in your butt can haunt people so much that they refuse to even attempt to put anything up there. Try not to be put off though, as some simple precautions can make sure it never happens to you.
The anus and rectum aren’t only good at pushing things out. If something manages to pass through the sphincters and in to the rectum proper, the muscles will continue pushing it upwards. Eventually it will reach your colon, where it usually will require surgery to remove.
Avoiding this is extremely simple though. Any toy or object you insert into your anus needs to have a base. These should preferably be flared, and can come in a variety of styles like T-bars, which sit between your butt cheeks, or even with jewels inset so your anus looks pretty while holding your chosen object.
In the event that you chose to put something without a base in, and it’s travelled a little too far, don’t worry! All isn’t quite lost yet. The biggest thing you can do at this point is not to panic. Tensing up will only serve to contract your muscles further, pushing your toy deeper inside.
The first thing you should do is apply some extra lube. Making sure everything is nice and slippery will make it easier for the toy to pass back out. You can then try to fish around inside (getting someone else to do this is much easier), or place one leg on the toilet and push your insides as if you are having a poo.
If you still can’t get it out, then it’s time to seek medical help. This is nothing to be embarrassed about. Medical professionals are there to help us, and you definitely shouldn’t leave a foreign object inside your body just because you’re too ashamed to go to the hospital. Once it’s out and the memory is a little less fresh, you’ll probably laugh about it anyway.
Wear and tear on your toys
All of these tips so far have been mostly related to how you use, or clean your toys. The actual object itself though can have some safety implications, so it’s important to know what to look for on your toys.
Before every use, you should give your toys a good once over. You want to make sure that there are no seams leftover from the manufacturing process, as these can be quite sharp. Signs of wear can also become apparent if you notice rough areas of the surface, or even chunks coming off, missing, or sticking out.
If you find anything, the best thing you can do is replace the toy. Putting something a little worn out into your body makes it much more likely that some kind of damage is going to occur. It might be a little expensive to replace your toys regularly, but it’ll be much more expensive to replace your rectum.
With all that in mind, you should be about ready to get going with anal play. Obviously, we don’t want you to spend every moment of your sexual experience worrying about the dangers, but it is always useful to have things like this in the back of your mind. For the most part though, buy a quality sex toy with a flared base, lubricate well, and take your time. Follow these three simple steps and the chances of something bad happening during anal sex is incredibly low, so you’re free to enjoy all the new and interesting sensations.

More and more people are discovering the wonderful world of anal sex and anal pleasure in recent years. With people picking up all kinds of wonderful products such as butt plugs, anal beads, anal hooks, prostate massagers, and many more. To make sure that you’re getting the most out of your anal toys, and keeping your sexual play nice and healthy, you need to know how to keep everything properly cleaned.
However, as more and more people become aware of the need to keep toys clean, several myths have unfortunately begun to spread. With all of the ‘clean your toys quicker than ever’ articles or ‘miracle cleaning solutions’ being advertised, it’s hard to know what the truth about sex toy hygiene really is. Take this ‘True or False’ quiz to start separating the squeaky-clean from the simply stinky! You can even share your results on social media to show your friends that you’re a true butt plug cleaning expert!
Why you need to clean your sex toys

People all over the world are constantly reminded to take care when engaging in sexual activities with others, or risk all kinds of nasty infections and diseases. What a lot of people don’t realise though, is that using sex toys carries exactly the same kinds of risks, so keeping them properly clean and safe is of utmost importance.
We aren’t just talking about generic germs here. While bacteria and germs can quite obviously stay on the surface of your toys even between uses, just like any other surface in your house, the key difference here is that the toys are going inside your body. It’s not even a necessarily nice part of your body. The anus not only carries all kinds of stomach and faeces related bacteria, but can carry some STIs and STDs.

When you use a sex toy these bacteria can all cling to the surface, and over time can break down the surface of the toy. Even worse, if your toy is made of a porous material, the bacteria can get inside the actual surface itself. Studies have shown that these germs and infections can stay on sex toys for days after use, so cleaning them shortly after you are done with them is of utmost importance.
Another important note is on sharing of sex toys. While in an ideal world, each person would have their own toys just for their butts, it’s understandable that they can be expensive, and sometimes you want to share. The easiest, and safest way to do this is by using a condom on the toy, just like you would a penis. Changing the condom between users ensures that the toy stays nice and clean. If you aren’t going to use a condom, then the toys will need to be cleaned between users so the bacteria aren’t transferred between partners.
What happens if I don’t?

While this is something I’d hope you wouldn’t need to know, I’ll mention it anyway. If you choose not to keep your anal sex toys clean, then you’ll be putting yourself at risk of bacterial infections, yeast infections, STI or STD transmission, and if you consistently leave your toys dirty, then they can even start to break down and disperse some of the materials while inside your body. If you aren’t looking after your toys you’ll also need to buy new ones more often.
How to clean Anal Toys

There are many methods used to clean anal sex toys, and most of them are very simple. Which method you need to use though, will depend on which material your sex toy is made of. This will be one of either two categories, porous materials, or non-porous materials.
Porous materials

Porous materials are those which have pores large enough to allow bacteria inside them. In some objects, this is extremely useful, but in sex toys it means that any nasty bacteria are able to get not only on the surface of the toy but inside the material itself. Porous sex toy materials include jelly, rubber, latex, cyberskin, and many more.
Due to the bacteria getting inside porous sex toys, it’s important to note that these toys will never be truly clean. Even so, you should still wash them after every use, and if possible, cover them with condoms during use.
To clean porous sex toy materials, it is usually recommended to stick to plain warm water. Even soap will be able to get into the pores of the material, and then be released into your body during use. With your warm water, gently wipe down all areas of your toy, and then use some paper towels to gently dry it.
Non-porous materials

Non-porous materials are much safer, and much easier to keep clean. They include materials like silicone, glass, and steel. We would always recommend you pick up a non-porous sex toy if at all possible.
Most non-porous materials will be perfectly safe to simply boil, purging all germs from the surface in the process. Submerge the toy in the boiling water for around ten minutes, and then remove and dry as normal. Another option for porous materials is to simply chuck them in the dishwasher without any soap.
If boiling water or dishwashers aren’t ideal, then warm soapy water will suffice. Just be sure to thoroughly rinse the toy afterwards to make sure any soapy residue is gone, and give the toy a good dry off with a paper towel.
Liquid Soap

Some companies also manufacture a specific sex toy cleaner, which is a specially formulated type of soap designed specifically for sex toys. In most cases, these will be unnecessary as traditional cleaning methods are perfectly acceptable. If you’re a germaphobe though, you might want to pick one up for your own peace of mind.
A final note on specific sex toys is those with vibration. These should never be submerged completely in water, or you run the risk of water getting into the moving parts, or electrical motors. With these you should carefully wipe the surfaces with a clean cloth and warm soapy water.
Simple really, so you have no excuse whatsoever! Your toys should be cleaned after each and every use, then stored in a specific place to stop them becoming contaminated between uses. The boxes they came in are a great option, as not only are they the right size and shape, but they usually carry cleaning instructions in case you ever forget how yours should be cleaned.
Anal Sex Toys - Quality, Comfort & Satisfaction! The best range of anal toys to enjoy anal maturbation with!