Liquids for Anal Douching

Posted by Serena Zhang on

You’ll find an absolute ton of articles out there, talking about many different aspects of anal douching. One thing that tends to be slightly glossed over a lot though, is the actual liquid used in the douche. While many people will stick to good old-fashioned water, there is a huge range of different fluids you could use, each with their own benefits and risks. You should always have a good knowledge of substances you put into your body, so it’s a sensible idea to do some research first.

The Traditional Douche

For many people all over the world, the standard water douche is perfectly fine and does the job. While your standard tap water might seem like the most sensible idea for douching, it can actually be one of the worst things to use. Traditional tap water when used regularly will eventually cause an electrolyte imbalance in your body, which can be catastrophic if ignored.

To combat this, people will often mix the water with other substances or liquids to dilute it. These mixers can include vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, various herbs and natural plants, lemon juices, milk, and many others. When mixing liquids together in your douche, you must always be aware of the effects of the individual liquids, and anything that might happen if the liquids react with each other.

Other Types of Douches:

Different people will swear by any number of different liquids to help their anal cleaning regimes. These all are used for different reasons and have different effects. Liquids can include:

    • Barium: This liquid will only usually be used in medical procedures. Using it anally allows the intestines to show up on an x-ray while they usually wouldn’t.
    • Coffee: A controversial topic in recent years, Coffee is sworn by for some, and awful to others. Advocates believe coffee enemas to be great for dealing with cancer. While this hasn’t been proven, there is a growing body of evidence that coffee will cause a lot of damage in the long term.
    • Yoghurt: Yoghurt douches make use of the living bacteria found within, much like probiotic yogurt drinks. They can be of great benefit to people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and a number of other digestive disorders.
    • Lemon Juice: Just as with cleaning products, some believing using lemon juices for douching can help get things extra clean. These can cause a lot of extra muscle cramps though, so much be used with caution.

  • Salt Water/Epsom Salt Water: Epsom salt is one of the most common liquids used for douching. It causes the colon and rectum to absorb more water, having a laxative effect. Regular salt water has the opposite effect, decreasing the amount of water passed through the colon and rectum. Which you choose will depend if you want more to be washed out, or less.
  • Fleet Enemas: Fleet enemas are a product recommended for constipation relief. The solution is absorbed poorly by the body, letting the liquid stay in the body and then being expelled along with the waste.

This list is not comprehensive, and you’ll find many other recipes and concoctions online. Whichever you decide to use, always be sure that you know exactly what’s going into your body. Some liquids will be more dangerous than others, so you need to be sure that you aren’t causing any long term to your body in the long term.

Liquid Temperature

You’ll have probably noticed that the liquids on that list are quite different, and in their regular uses will be very different temperatures. So, should these be used at the same temperatures as part of a douche? For some liquids this will be fine. Others though will need to be heated or cooled before being put into your body. A boiling coffee enema won’t just feel terrible, it’ll probably burn. Likewise, a chilled yoghurt enema straight out of the fridge probably won’t feel great either.

Finding the right temperature can be a bit of a balancing act. Too hot and you’ll burn yourself. Too cold and your muscles will tense up as soon as the liquid touches them. Whichever end of the spectrum you end up on, it isn’t particularly pleasant. For most people, a liquid around the same temperature as the human body will be appropriate and comfortable.

Combining the right liquids and the right temperature takes a bit of work. It’s worth doing though, as it can make your douches much more pleasant, and more effective.

Anal Douches

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