“I’d never put something in there!” “Won’t it hurt too much?” “Eww, gross, that’s where poo comes from.” “But I’m not gay!”
These are but a few of the reactions that a discussion about anal sex might illicit. If you’re curious though (and if you’ve made it here then you probably are), then there’s probably some part of you that wants to try it. You definitely should! Anal sex can bring you all kinds of pleasure, some very different from those you might have experience during more vanilla sex.

Anyone can enjoy anal sex. That means you too guys. And try not to get all alpha about it. Even receiving anal sex doesn’t make you gay. Plenty of women love pegging their partners, and it makes those men no less straight than someone who never touches a butt. Our sexuality isn’t determined by what we do, or where we put things, but the people we find attractive. It’s really that simple, so if you like butt stuff go for it!
Basics of Anal Play
So, let’s dive in. Anal play is essentially any sexual activity that involves the stimulation of the anus. This part of your body is absolutely filled with nerve endings that can feel great when you stimulate them. You can accomplish this however you prefer, so don’t be afraid to experiment.
It isn’t just the anal nerves that get stimulated either. For women, anal penetration still indirectly stimulates the G-spot. For men, there’s a little bonus. The prostate gland is a small part of the body located between the bladder and penis. The best way to stimulate this is by entering through the anus, and being sometimes called the man’s G-spot, it can give you some amazing feelings.
Benefits of Anal Sex
Most people will already know that sex is good for you. It’s good exercise, helps your immune system, helps you sleep, boosts your antibodies, and the list goes on. What a lot of people probably didn’t know though, is that anal sex carries all of these benefits and a few extra ones.
One large benefit is that you can’t get pregnant! If you’ve ran out of condoms, you can safely enjoy anal sex with literally zero risk of conception. The woman will still be able to orgasm as normal too, as the pressure from a penis pushes against the back wall of the vagina, stimulating it in a slightly different way.
Another great point for everyone is that by using the area, you’re going to naturally increase the blood flow in all the muscles. If you’ve been having a little difficulty evacuating yourself, this extra blood flow can help get everything moving again, making it much easier to empty your bowels. Just try to save it until the sex is finished.
Men in particular get a great deal from both giving and receiving anal sex. The anus is almost always going to be tighter than the vagina, so inserting the penis into it can give much more intense and explosive feelings due to the extra pressure. Receiving anal also lets a man stimulate that special prostate gland, not only feeling great but also having real health benefits. Studies show that men who regularly stimulate their prostates are much less likely to experience incontinence problems later in life, as well as having a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.
The Special Bond
In our modern world, sex is talked about a lot, and there is generally a lot of pressure on people of all ages to try newer and more interesting things. Despite this, anal sex still carries some level of taboo, and isn’t discussed nearly as much. In some ways this makes it even more special.
It takes a good level of trust in a lot of relationships to even mention the idea of anal activity. It takes even more so to actually engage in the act. Setting aside any thoughts or doubts though, lets you and your partner engage in something that can be completely between you.
The receiver needs to trust that things aren’t going to move too fast or be too rough. The giver needs to trust that their partner will communicate properly, and isn’t going to have an accident during the act. These acts of faith in each other can not only raise the tension, and pleasure, of the act itself, but also help a couple feel even closer in an already intimate act.
Anal sex can also help spice things up! Everyone knows that over time sex can get a little samey in a relationship. You do the same things in the same order because you know it works. With anal you need to start from scratch and figure it all out again, so it can make things feel just like they were at the start and breathe new life into your bedroom.
No mention of anal sex could ever be complete without lubrication. Unlike the vagina, the anus doesn’t produce any lubrication of its own. This means that any time you want to put something in there, you’re going to need lube. Spit doesn’t count! Okay it kind of does, but it dries out extremely quickly, so you’re much better off picking up some proper lubrication in advance of any activities. Going without is going to hurt, and sometimes puts people off anal for life.
Using lube also makes anal sex much safer. Most of the time when any damage occurs from anal sex, it is due to abrasions or tears in the surface of the muscles. When this does happen, the risk of picking up infections or diseases increases massively, so by using plenty of lube, this risk is massively reduced.
Spice It up With Toys!
Anal sex doesn’t just have to involve a penis and a butt. Lesbians or heterosexual women can get in on the action with strap-ons. Or if you’re looking to change the experience a bit, then there are a huge amount of anal specific toys you can pick up. These include:
Butt Plugs:
Perhaps the most prolific anal sex toy, the butt plug is a simple device that does what it says on the tin. By plugging the butt, you create a feeling of fullness and stretching. This feeling can be accompanied by traditional penetration and the extra space being filled by the plug can make everything a little bit tighter down there. You can even try some of our butt plugs featuring fox tails, cat tails, or bunny tails to make your anal play that little bit more special.
Anal Beads:
Very similar to the butt plug in design and use, but rather than one large piece, anal beads are made up by a collection of beads (shocking I know). When these are inserted or removed, the sphincters not only open up but are also allowed to close between each bead, creating a kind of popping sensation. -
Prostate Massagers:
These ones are specifically designed for the men. A prostate massager is basically a butt plug, but it also has a bit of a curve. This lets it hit just the right spot in a man’s rectum to effectively stimulate the prostate. -
Anal Vibrators:
Most of the time an anal vibrator will be very similar to a butt plug in design, but there’s one key difference. Vibration! Adding a little vibration to the mix can be great when experimenting, as it can leave your hands and fingers free to do other things. -
Anal Hooks:
On the more extreme end of the spectrum, anal hooks tend to only be used by the most advanced anal adventurers. These are usually accompanied by some level of bondage, and are used to restrict the movement of the person wearing them, leading to some interesting feelings. -
Dildos and strap ons:
Good for men and women alike! Everyone should know what a dildo does, but combining them with other parts of your sexual activity can open up some interesting option. One particularly interesting on is for a man to wear a dildo above or below his penis, allowing him to enter his partner both anally and vaginally simultaneously. You can fulfil all her threesome fantasies without actually needing a third person!
Whichever kind of toy you decide to buy, you need to make sure it has a base! The base stops the toy from travelling further than you intended and being eaten up by the rectum. You should also make sure that you buy a high-quality toy, made of a good material. Buying the cheap ones will not only mean you need to replace them more often, but could also expose you to harmful chemicals that can cause some real damage to your insides.
Get out There and Try It!
We hope we’ve at least intrigued you. Anal sex can be great in so many situations, and the sensations are truly mind blowing once you get the hang of it. But there’s only so much you can learn from reading, so the best thing you can do is just try it and see what you think for yourself!